The Well and the Web

“The Well and the Web” is a captivating encounter that emphasizes the significance of the home field advantage, where the environment can greatly influence the outcome of a fight and compel players to prioritize their survival above all else. This encounter was skillfully crafted as the entrance to the infamous thieves’ guild in the elven […]
The Bottle and the boom

Basic info: This is meant for a Level-5 party with a small amount of magical items. Adventure background: The town of Havamier (hev-a-mire) is known for… very little. A small Gnomish farming community in the northeast mountains of the Kingdom of Camem that deals primarily in turnips. In reality the hills above the town are […]
Storytelling topic: How to open a game

The Silver Quill is a vibrant tavern located in the heart of the bustling city of Chaw. Upon pushing open the impeccably maintained double doors, you are greeted by a joyous cacophony of laughter and lively conversations. A skilled bard strums an upbeat melody from a small stage in the corner, further adding to the […]
Running combat 102

Hello everyone, I was inspired to write this post by a friend of mine who commented that they could never finish a combat in a game they were running. They said that combat normally slows down to a crawl and normally ends in a quick wrap up instead of a satisfying conclusion. So that is […]