Basic info:
This is meant for a Level-5 party with a small amount of magical items.
Adventure background:
The town of Havamier (hev-a-mire) is known for… very little. A small Gnomish farming community in the northeast mountains of the Kingdom of Camem that deals primarily in turnips. In reality the hills above the town are home to one of the rare Mystic Forges, a place of power used to craft alchemical marvels.
These mountains are dangerously close to the Forest of Ketorin, a mysterious forest controlled by a cult of druids. Few dare move through these mountains and even fewer know how to navigate through them.
When a sudden explosion from the forge above rains down ooze the adventurers are called to action.
Adventure hook:
The adventurers may hear about this work in a variety of ways:
- Wagon guard work: Our adventurers are guarding a caravan delivering base resources to the town and waiting to return with potions and other alchemical trade goods.
- Letter from a friend: One of the characters has a friend or family member who lives in the town of Havamier. The person writes a letter asking for assistance, fearing for their safety and that of their family. Those in the town are told not to share information with “outsiders” regarding the true nature of the town.
- Just passing through: On their way back or to the Forests of Ketorin, the adventurers have found a comfortable inn (the Wobbly Wheel) for a good rest before continuing on their adventure.
Whichever option is chosen, the adventurers will be present for the explosion and called to action.
The town of Havamier:
This town is nestled in a valley with rich volcanic soil perfect for planting and naturally protected by the mountains on all sides. This town is very well organized for a frontier town, with rare herbs planted in rows of a few communal farms. A Nature Check can see that dangerous herbs have also been planted, but are carefully separated from other herbs. Along the northern edge of the town is a sheer rock wall with a lift large enough to carry two wagons to the above stone castle. Unlike other castles of Camen this does not bear common Dwarven trappings, but instead everything about it seems exaggerated as if it was created from something much larger than a dwarf.
The town is mostly made up of small Gnomish homes, but in its center is an alchemical fountain with a statue of the forge of creation within it — a hand with a flower growing within made from hundreds of perfect squares of stone. Around the fountain are four larger buildings.
- Sam’s House of Provisions – this will be where supplies can be purchased if the players need an item that they may have missed
- The storehouse – this is where the town resources are collected
- The mayor residence – there is a small battery of guards here
- The Wobbly Wheel – this is the one bar/inn in town
The Explosion: Encounter 1
The town is rocked with a great explosion from the castle above sending rubble, fire and black sludge all over the town. The Wobbly Wheel is hit by a massive chunk of castle wall that rips through the roof and to the basement. All party members should make a DC 20 dexterity saving throw. All party members take 8d6 (24) burgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Those that save can choose to start the encounter on the first or second floor of the Wobbly Wheel. A failed saving throw moves the player to the basement to start the encounter. A critical fail should be improvised such as a player being pinned under a piece of the fallen debris.
In the basement one black pudding is wrapped around the fallen debris and one is all over the floor in the first floor. Once the party has dispatched these they will hear the horrified screams from the villagers as three other black puddings attack the town. The townsfolk and the small group of guards the mayor has will deal with two and the party will be responsible for killing one more.
Once the initial threat is dealt with, the Mayor Thaidius Wittle will approach the party begging them to help investigate what has happened at the Mystic Forge above. He can put together a small fortune for them if they can figure out what is happening. His guards will stay in case anything else falls down.
(Wobbly Wheel map on last page)
Getting to the Mystic Forge:
There are two options for getting to the mystic Forge:
- They can take the lift up sheer rock wall – there is currently one wagon on the lift they can choose to move if they want. This will trigger an encounter with some other type of ooze dropping onto the lift. This should be an ooze with the corrosive trait so there is a time pressure to kill them before they eat through the lift, leaving holes in it.
- They can hike around the back of the cliff – this is the safer alternative. This route will give them a better view of the castle before they arrive.
When the party arrives they can see the castle for what it truly is, a castle built centuries ago likely by Giants. Many of the upper floors have collapsed, but those that have survived are still far larger than anyone would need. Many repairs and upgrades have been made to turn this place into a factory for the creation of alchemical marvels, including large smoke stacks and metal piping that connect different parts of the facility.
When they arrive at the Mystic Forge there is chaos. Gnomes are running everywhere there is a fire raging and plumes of smoke in every color of the rainbow. A Gnome by the name of Overseer Helmin will be barking orders at the other Gnomes trying to keep order and get the fires extinguished. When asked he will explain that Reactor 1 had a breach, his men are trying to get the fire under control so another does not blow. But he has men trapped in the rear of the castle and there are other creatures between here and there. Overseer Helman does not know what caused the explosion but is certain that it could not have been an accident.
You will be rewarded for your efforts and free to take any potions you see in clear containers, most should be completely safe… He will also give each party member a fire-resistance potion.
Options rule: Random potions!
The Mystic Forge is packed with small lab tables, boiling cauldrons and unlabeled beakers. While in the Mystic Forge any member of the party can spend an action to grab and rink a random potion. Roll on the table below. What’s the worst that could happen?
- These do not have tops and cannot be kept for later
- They can also not be identified in this state since they are in the process of being created
- Rolling a result on the chart does not give any guidance to future rolls, they are always at random. No one can understand the Gnomes’ complicated labeling system or lack thereof.
Roll percentile dice
Roll | Title | Description |
1-4 | Healing | The drinker regains a number of hit points equal to 4d4+4. |
5-8 | Swiftness | The drinker’s walking speed increases by 10 feet for 1 hour. |
9-12 | Resilience | The drinker gains a +1 bonus to AC for 10 minutes. |
12-15 | Boldness | The drinker can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to every attack roll and saving throw they make for the next minute. |
16-19 | Flight | The ground actively repels the drinker and staying on the ground requires some effort. They gain a flying speed of 10 feet for 10 minutes. |
20-24 | Transformation | The drinker’s body is transformed as if by the Alter Self spell. The drinker determines the transformation caused by the spell, the effects of which last for 10 minutes. |
25-28 | Explosion | You cast Fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself. 5d6, dc 13 dex save. |
29-32 | Bigger/Smaller | Roll a d10. Your height changes by a number of inches equal to the roll. If the roll is odd, you shrink. If the roll is even, you grow. |
33-36 | Regeneration | For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns. |
37-40 | Bearded Bird | You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out from your face. |
41-44 | The Blues | Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. A Remove Curse spell can end this effect. |
45-48 | Poof | You teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see. |
49-52 | Energized | Maximize the damage of the next damaging spell you cast within the next minute. |
53-56 | Planty, No | You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn. While a plant, you are incapacitated and have vulnerability to all damage. If you drop to 0 hit points, your pot breaks, and your form reverts. |
57-60 | Poof+ | For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as a bonus action on each of your turns. |
61-64 | Silence Bubbles | You can’t speak for the next minute. Whenever you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth. |
65-68 | Rejuvenate | You regain your lowest-level expended spell slot. |
69-72 | Loudness | For the next minute, you must shout when you speak. |
73-76 | Iron Sides | You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute. |
77-80 | Flutter | Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you for the next minute. |
81-84 | Flash | You can take one additional action immediately. |
85-88 | Drink Up | Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the sum of the necrotic damage dealt. |
89-92 | Vanish | You become invisible for the next minute. During that time, other creatures can’t hear you. The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell. |
93-96 | Reincarnate | If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life as if by the Reincarnate spell. |
97-100 | Biggun | Your size increases by one size category for the next minute. |
(Castle and Crypt map on last page)
The outside courtyard
This is where the party will meet Overseer Helmin. Many Gnomes work to deal with the fires. This is the same entrance for either way up the mountain. There is a gate large enough for a huge creature here that leads to the Central courtyard or the party can investigate the Rear of the castle.
Rear of the castle
If the party decides to look around the rear they will find a section blasted open. Everything in this area looks wet as if the blasted open reactor was filled with water. When they enter they will be ambushed by 15 grey oozes that are all over the floor, ceiling, and in the tank. Because of their false-appearance ability the party should not be aware of them till they strike.
After the oozes are defeated they will realize that this chamber has collapsed over the doors. If they want to take the time or effort to move the rocks they can get to The living quarters.
Otherwise they will find a hole leading down to The crypt below the castle.
The crypt
This area does not appear to be used by the Gnomes, but seems extremely clean. Here the party will find several large coffins for Giants, most of which are empty. One casket is made of silver that is directly below The throne room. The silver casket belongs to a long-dead “Yarrel Jorick”. Opening the silver casket takes a dc 20 tools’ check. There is only one chance for this check. Inside they can find a giant slayer’s great axe (which would be a normal-sized battle axe for a Giant). Taking this weapon will change the encounter in The throne room.
The exit is a hole leading up to The holey chapel.
The central courtyard
The party will not be surprised to see the pack of six Ochre Jellies spilling out of the reactor in the central courtyard. The jellies are eating all the plant life and random alchemical equipment around the courtyard. The party can take a turn to decide how to proceed.
There is a Stone bridge over the top of the courtyard connecting some of the second floor between The living quarters and The feasting hall. This bridge is over 30 feet up and would likely not be accessible without the ability to fly or a fly spell. The throne room door is barred and closed.
The one way open to go would be towards The living quarters.
The living quarters
There is a group of Gnomes huddled in here trying to stay safe. They will tell the adventurers that there are more gnomes trapped in the The feasting hall. This area connects to The stone bridge by several robes and ladders leading up and also to The holey chapel.
The stone bridge
The bridge seems to have been damaged by the blast and the meager safety mechanism (a rope) was damaged. It requires a DC 13 Athletics Check to get across or a DC 18 check with advantage to assist another. This leads to an elevated position over The feasting hall which the party will need to climb down into.
The holey chapel
The Chapel is decorated with hanging chains with ancient trophies from beasts ranging from massive insects to dragons. On the wall is a mosaic of the hierarchy of Giants anyone that can make a DC 15 history check is aware of this hierarchy but it is not commonly seen these days. This room seems to now be a repository for trash that gets thrown down a large crack in the floor.
Whoever decides to throw a rope up, or decide to go down will walk directly into one of four gelatinous cubes that sit there to collect things that drop into the hole.
The feasting hall
As the party walks in they will see about a dozen Gnomes that appear to be stuck in some kind of web spell. There is one Gnome standing over them who is naked and covered in some sort of blue jelly; he has a bandoleer of potions across his chest. A dc 15 Religion Check will tell them that Ghaunadaur is the god of oozes and that the Gnome is wearing its holy symbol.
“Ghaunadaur (Gon-ah-door) was old when this world was new! Your arrogance will be your undoing! Welcome to the splendor of my new beginning!”
He will throw two vials onto the floor and the flames will start eating the webs. The dozen Gnomes are under the effect of an alchemical web spell that will last for the duration of the scene unless dispelled. The party members can save the Gnomes by freeing them and not allowing the first to spread to them. If they attempt to chase the follower of Ghaunadaur they will get caught in the web. This will cause all the Gnomes to die from the fire. Saving the Gnomes is the priority.
There are two exits from this room The Throne room and The kitchen.
The kitchen
The kitchen is filled with random foods and hanging dried meats. There is one closet in the room which contains a makeshift construct detailed below. It will be hostile immediately calling the players intruders.
The throne room
When the party enters they will find the follower of Ghaunadaur yelling at the reactor, which is now covered in vines that are constricting it. “You will be witness to my ascension!” he roars. The reactor will buckle and red slime will gush onto the follower of Ghaunadaur. He will scream and instantly dissolve as the red ooze forms. The party will have one round of actions before the ooze can attack again.
The final encounter: The Crimson Ooze
The follower of Ghaunadaur will immediately be raised from it’s dead state and begin to cast using this Druid template. The roots that broke the reactor are still squeezing the walls and making the room unstable. After two rounds the floor will start to give way. If the Ooze is still alive it will fall down into the Silver casket and raise the Giant Yarl Jorik. He uses the frost giant template, but is carrying a giant slaying axe, unless a player took it from the casket earlier. Raising the follower of Ghaunadaur and Yark Jorik cost the Ooze no action or resources.
Concluding the adventure
If the party was somehow able to take the follower of Ghaunadaur alive he continues muttering apocalyptic rhetoric and swearing. The mayor’s guard imprison him in the town sheriff’s office until they can figure out what to do with him.
After a week of cleanup Havamier holds a celebration for the heroes! Heaping plates of food and wine goblets that never seem to empty. This once quiet hamlet overflows with joy and music. Oddly separate Mayor Thaidius Wittle watches as the several of his constituents compose a song of bravery naming them the ‘savior of Havamier’.
The next morning our heroes awaken in a thick forest not remembering how they got there. The heroes had gone deeply into their cups, but this seemed to be something else. Vague recollections of a specific waitress talking to Mayor Wittle and serving them a tart elixir is the last shared memory the party has. Around them they see bags containing their belongings neatly packed and one bag of gold coins.